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The Goals Of Therapy
My goal as a therapist is to help my clients feel more empowered, balanced, and whole in their lives. Achieving this allows each client to uncover his or her unique path toward leading a fulfilled and meaningful life. I customize the tools that I use depending on the person with whom I am working. I typically use a unique combination of traditional psychotherapy and more alternative hypnotherapy, meditation, and shamanic journeying with most of my clients.
Let me explain what I mean…
I often hear my clients say things like, “I know I need to lose weight, but I find myself eating tons of snacks late at night even though I know it’s not good for me.” Or, “I really want to have a closer relationship with my partner, but every time I start to try to talk to him/her about something important I shut down and I can’t talk.” I see these as examples of a disconnect between our minds and our bodies. Our minds are telling us what we “should” do but our bodies won’t let us do it – even if it’s in our best interest. Why would our bodies do this? I believe that our bodies are reacting to an unconscious belief we hold or a decision we made long ago that contradicts what we are telling our body to do today. For the first example; for someone who is overeating may have used food as a comfort during their childhood or they may have believed that food was their only friend. When they attempt to stop eating their old comfort foods their body is confused because this contradicts the old, stored message that food is their friend. For the second example; someone who is blocked when it comes to talking to their partner may have grown up in an abusive household where talking about negative emotions led to abuse. When they attempt to talk to their partners about a hard subject, their body is alarmed because this led to danger in the past. The good news is that we are not doomed to be stuck forever in our old patterns and behaviors. All we need to do is address the disconnect and get our minds and our bodies in harmony. How do we do that?
Hypnosis can help a person who feels stuck on an issue to bring his or her body and mind into harmony so that he or she embraces the necessary shift with body, mind, and spirit. As I mentioned before, my belief is that on a deep level we can all trust the wisdom of our bodies, but we can lose that knowledge in a busy life where we are disconnected from our bodies in so many ways. Hypnosis brings us back to ourselves. That’s why my clients were able to attain such great shifts once I started using hypnosis with them – because they were able to reconnect with themselves and, therefore, with all of the power within them. Again, hypnosis is not powerful. People are powerful. People are powerful and they need to connect with that power in order to live an empowered, balanced life.