Kristin Love Nemzer LMFT
** I am currently on sabbatical with no known return date **
My name is Kristin Love Nemzer and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist working with clients in both California and Hawaii. I have worked as a therapist for over 25 years and I love what I do. Helping individuals and couples to transform their lives to better match their temperaments, personalities, lifestyles, goals, and dreams is an honor.
** I am currently on sabbatical with no known return date **

My Clients
Here are a few areas that I focus on with my clients:
I help people who are being held back by anxiety to conquer their fears and create the life they want to live.
I help people who are suffering from depression to regain their strength, focus, and will to live.
I help people who have a negative relationship with food to find balance in their bodies and in their minds.
I help couples who have built up resentments and lost the spark in their relationship to reconnect and find joy together again.
I help people who are caught in a pattern of pleasing others to move into a healthier balance in their lives.
I help people who are struggling with unhealthy habits to release those habits permanently and then to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
I help people who are caught in a challenging relationship to find a peaceful resolution.
I help people who feel trapped in their jobs or by their finances to conquer their fears and attain their desired careers and achievements.
My Services
I work with individuals, couples, and families. I use a unique combination of traditional psychotherapy and more alternative hypnotherapy and somatic techniques with most of my clients.
I teach classes, lead workshops, and speak publicly throughout the year.
These offerings have been created and recorded by Kristin Nemzer and include music by her husband, Eliot Nemzer.
Ready To Schedule?
If you’re ready to schedule an appointment with me or sign up for an upcoming class or workshop, feel free to click on the Schedule Now button below to be directed to my online scheduling tool where you can schedule appointments with me 24/7. Therapy should NOT be a life sentence. Even one session can invite beautiful transformation into your life.
Kristin has been posting articles to her web site for over a decade. You can begin with the latest and work your way back to find posts that interest you…
Kristin’s latest blog post:

Thanksgiving Prayer from the Seneca Nation
And now we are gathered together to remember the Great Mystery’s first instruction to us: to love one another always, we who move about on this earth. And the Great Mystery said that when even two people meet, they should first greet each other by saying: “Nyah Weh...